Marion Wenske
Chakra Colours
You can use colours to balance your chakras and influence your mood. 
Wear a colour to enhance the attributes listed next to +
avoid wearing a colour if you want to reduce the attributes listed next to -


Base Chakra
power to achieve, vitality, courage, life force, stimulation

+ pioneering, assertive, ambitious, sexy, attractive
intolerant, irritated, aggressive, lustful

Sacral Chakra
change, action, enthusiasm, creativity, fertility, partnerships
 flamboyant, generous, humorous, purposeful, social 

pessimistic, gloomy, misleading, dependent

Solar Plexus Chakra
honesty, integrity, willpower, ego, sense of self, enthusiasm

 tolerant, open-minded, self-controlled 

critical, chatterbox, sarcastic


Heart Chakra
self-healing, sincerity, generosity, selfless love, forgiveness, compassion

 prosperous, practical, decisive 

envy, jealousy, greediness, begrudging

Throat Chakra
reasoning, perception, self-expression, independence, communication

 truthful, patient, accepting 

manipulative, snobbish, unforgiving


Third Eye Chakra
perception, inspiration, devotion, realisation, thought, imagination

 intuitive, inspired, traditional, spiritual 

self-righteous, addictive behaviour


Crown Chakra
visionary, peace maker,  divine inspiration, gratitude, oneness

 mystical, prophetic, devoted, creative, humble 

isolated, depressed, perfectionistic, pompous, indecisive


Black absorbing, introspection, protection, self-preservation, the unknown, mourning, sadness.

Black & white divine understanding, wholeness, completion, ambivalence, judgement, duality.

Blue emotional healing, honesty, tranquility, patience, faith, introspection, peace, calmness, depression, isolation.

Brown stability, support, simplicity, earthly pleasures, hesitation, uncertainty.

Gold solar energy, warmth, pride, confidence, success, radiance, charm, recognition, power, self-importance, egotism.

Green growth, abundance, empathy, fertility, luck, nature, physical healing, regeneration, youth, fertility, vulnerability.

Orange high energy, joy, excitement, boldness, self-motivation, optimism, victory, attraction, encouragement, stimulation, dominance.

Pink faithfulness, affection, love, devotion, morality, well-being, femininity, sensuality, gullibility.

Purple spirituality, psychic awareness, intuitive knowing, artistic vision, mysticism, nobility, dignity, imagination, inner tension, escapism.

Red vitality, strength, vigour, sexuality, passion, initiative, assertiveness, desire, impulse, action, ambition, aggression, anger.

Maroon affection, kindness, friendship, loyalty, consideration, obligation, guilt, long suffering.

Silver lunar energy, mystery, etheric, spiritual inspiration, concentration, cancellation, stalemate, neutrality, indecisiveness.

Turquoise clarity, fresh ideas, imagination, uplift, childlikeness, playfulness, tranquility, serenity, indulgence.

White reflecting energy, purity, truth, inner wisdom, sincerity, dream state, sterility.

Yellow intellect, curiosity, communication, logic, teaching, assessment, flexibility, impatience, frustration, fear, jealousy.

What’s your true colour ?
Colour Shade     Body             Effect
Dark physical  adapting
Bright emotional stimulating
Fluorescent mental attracting
Pastel spiritual influencing

Do you sometimes feel blue ? Have you ever been green with envy ?  What does it take for you to see red ?
When was the last time you felt off-colour ?

The emotional connection between colours and feelings have been known for a long time, to a point where they have found their way into our everyday vocabulary. Have a look through the list below and see what your favourite colour says about you. Check out which colour you are wearing right now, what does it tell you about the way you feel in the moment.
