Marion Wenske

Be one with yourself
Do you sometimes feel lost or beside your self? Emotionally distressing experiences, like a separation, loss of a loved one, childhood issues, illness, loosing a job, or past life trauma can all cause us to withdraw from reality for a while. We might think we have moved on, but when parts of our self are still entangled in the past, we often feel disconnected and end up repeating what is not being healed.
A Crystal Shamanism Journey can assist you to find and retrieve aspects of your self that have been abandoned or are missing, so you can live your life to it’s fullest and step into your future connected and whole.

Emotional Balance

When our energy flow is blocked or stagnant, it can create emotional or mental tension resulting in strong feelings, like anger, anxiety, worry or self-sabotage. Our emotions are always right, but sometimes they belong to another place or time. Out of misunderstood loyalty, we might have taken on feelings that are not ours or don’t belong to our current life. When we can identify where our intense feelings really come from, we can honour them appropriately and integrate them in a healthy way.
A Crystal Shamanism Journey can assist in clearing energy blocks, to help you understand your emotional responses and bring them into balance. 

Releasing the shadow

We all have a skeleton in the closet, meaning there are parts our life that we judge or try to hide because we feel ashamed or guilty about them. In Jungian terms  this is called our shadow, the Archetype that represents our animal ancestry. It does not respond to reason and if we want to reach it, we have to descend into the maze of our irrational feelings.
A Crystal Shamanism Journey can help you to journey into your shadow, to accept and embrace it, and release it’s hidden power so it can be your greatest ally.

Healthy Relationships

Have you ever tried to be someone else in order to be loved, and lost yourself in the process?  Do you still hope your family, past teachers or ex-partners will finally see the errors of their ways and set you free? Take responsibility for your life and let go of those old unhealthy attachments.
A Crystal Shamanism Journey can assist you in cutting old energetic ties or karmic cords and dissolve old contracts through spirit. When the dysfunctional connections are broken, the bonds of love can grow. Free yourself and reshape your relationships.

Ancestral wound Healing

We inherit from our parents not only our good looks and genetic blue print but also family- and ancestor karma. When we open our heart towards our parents, we can resolve childhood issues, and gain access to our ancestor line to release any limiting beliefs, old suffering or karmic burden that have been past on through generations.

In a Crystal Shamanism Journey we can ask for the healing of family wounds, the clearing of old patterns and to receive our ancestors blessings for a good future.

Crystal Shamanism 
Journey to your Inner Worlds with the Healing Power of Crystals

Crystals are sacred medicine from the heart of the Earth. Since the dawn of time, indigenous people have used them for magic and in healing ceremonies. Find your own connection to the power and wisdom of Mother Earth through a Crystal Shamanism Journey. Enter the sacred space where it is safe to feel and express your emotions and where healing can take place. Let your soul be your guide.

A Crystal Shamanism Journey is a therapeutic healing experience. The process involves

  1. Bulletspiritual counselling to explore and set the intent for the journey

  2. Bulletcalling on the assistance of spirit guides, angels, nature & animal spirits

  3. Bulletapplying Crystals and Gemstones for deep body relaxation and healing

  4. Bulletsmudging with the smoke of sacred Sage as offering and for purification

  5. Bullethealing sounds and vibrations of shamanic drum, rattle & singing bowls

  6. Bulletlaying-on-of-hands with Reiki

  7. Bulletdeep breathing to connect to the Divine and  receive light, love and blessings

  8. Bulletguided Shamanic Journey / Creative Visualisation

Allow the safe and nurturing space in which the session takes place to be your gateway to embark on a journey deep into your inner self.

Dear Marion


I recently read a Native American saying that went something like "we are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey".  It made me smile because it brought to mind all your teachings to me over the ten years I've known you.  However, my last experience with you brought this quote to life for me. 


I had never heard of Crystal Shamanism!  Yes, I appreciated the power of crystals; and yes, I appreciate anything you offer cause I value your wisdom and experience; but the suggestion that you can bring my busy mind to stillness and then reach in and call on my soul, was a little confronting.


My experiences with you have always been positive, so with faith and confidence, I let you guide me and we entered the sacred space that this ritual opens up.


The experience was deeply moving, I felt safe and uncompromised at all times and at the end I felt an extraordinary sense of peace and calm.


To my surprise there was something that needed addressing, something that my soul had not resolved.  I had rationalised it and compartmentalised it, but it had not gone away.


With your guidance the issue was identified and by facing it, I now feel resolved and healed.  The memory of the pain remains, but the healing has calmed the anxiety.


Thank you Marion.  Your beauty and warmth run deep. 


Looking forward to the next adventure.


To book your personal

Crystal Shamanism Journey

please call Marion on 0401 480 573

Session approx. 1 1/2 - 2 hours $120
