Marion Wenske

Crystals and gemstones take on vibrations of people they come in contact with and can absorb static energies from the environment. It is therefore recommended to cleanse and re-energise stones and gem jewellery from time to time.

A stone that has been used in a crystal healing needs be cleansed immediately after.

Water soluble stones and most jewellery should not be cleansed in water or with salt and some brightly coloured stones should avoid direct sunlight.

These are best cleansed by resting them overnight on an amethyst- or clear quartz cluster, or on a bed of Hematite pebbles. A clearing can also be performed by using the healing sound vibration of a singing bowl or tibetan ting-sha.

Why Cleansing
Crystal Cleansing Methods
Work with focused intention and white light visualisation while performing any of the following methods:
 hold the crystal under running tap water at room temperature for a few minutes 
 expose to Sunlight for a few hours (avoid the hot mid-day sun)
 expose to Moonlight overnight - use the energy of a full moon to program a crystal and of the new moon to release it

 bury in the garden ( mark the spot ! ) or in a large pot of soil for a complete moon cycle of 28 days
 rub the stone with an essential oil – Rosemary, Cedar, Sage, Eucalyptus are all cleansing
 soak in a sea (rock) salt solution for 24 hours - 1 teaspoon salt to 1 litre of water, afterwards rinse it under tap water 
 place water sensitive gemstones on a bed of dry rock salt 
 place jewellery on an amethyst or clear quartz cluster or on a bed of hematite chips
 smudge it with sage leaves or incense
 use Reiki energy while holding the crystal between your hands
