Marion Wenske

You can notice how a stone effects you not so much through any changes in your actions, but rather in your moods and attitudes -
it simply makes you feel better.


Whether we are aware of it or not, most of us start the day by making choices that will effect the way our day will unfold – for example on which side to get out of bed – or by choosing an outfit to match our mood. In the same way we can choose a stone or a piece of jewellery that resonates with us or corresponds to how we consciously want to create our day.

The easiest way to use gemstones for therapeutic purposes is to carry a tumbled stone in your hip pocket (or alternatively in a pouch on a long, adjustable string - worn under your clothing). Choose a stone with the colour or vibration that resonates with the quality you would like to enhance or modify in yourself. It’s energies will enter through your base chakra and along the spine into your whole body so that the stone’s energy can be utilised wherever it is most needed. Touching and holding the stone whenever it makes it’s presence known will create an even stronger bond. Placing it on the part of the body that it feels drawn to will allow it's energy to be felt more directly.

To experience a lasting affect from the stones it is suggested to carry or wear them daily for a period of at least 3-4 weeks with breaks of 2-3 weeks in between in order to avoid getting too used to them.

Crystals - 
getting stoned the natural way
Crystal Therapy Since the dawn of time crystals have been worn as amulets or talismans to bring good luck, success and prosperity. To safeguard a home or a space, crystals can be placed in a grid around the house. Another way is to visualise a protective shield of white light coming from the crystal and projecting it around the place.
Clear Quartz Crystals near food or water can enhance the lifespan and taste of it. They can be placed in pots to make plants grow stronger. Keep a crystal in the car for it to run smoother and more efficient. Having a black Tourmaline near an electrical equipment like a computer it can neutralise disturbing frequencies and emissions.

Crystal therapy and -energy work is not meant to be a substitute for medical treatment. If you are in pain or ill health use common sense and see a medical practitioner for diagnosis and treatment.
