Marion Wenske

Tarot is a set of 78 cards, containing symbols with meaning. In older styles, the cards of the Minor Arcana only show multiples of their suit symbol. In pictorial sets, all 78 cards show a scene that can be related to an inner emotional process, a life experience or external event.

A Tarot deck is divided into 22 Major Arcana cards, 16 Court cards and 40 Minor Arcana cards.

The pictures on these cards tell the story of different stages on a life’s journey and if used for divination, can reveal a person’s past, present and possible future.

Used in meditation, Tarot is a tool of self-understanding connecting us to our own internal storehouse of insight and knowledge. It’s images can bypass the brain and trigger an instinctive, intuitive response.

The main figures of Tarot are closely linked to archetypes of the collective unconscious, the universal mind. Therefore the meaning and significance of Tarot’s symbolism can be understood by everyone who is looking for answers with an open heart and mind.

Using Tarot cards can provide a greater awareness of life’s experiences, fate, destiny and the role free will plays.

Seeing the deeper meaning of a situation through Tarot, helps us to better understand our self and the people in our life, be prepared for future challenges and opportunities and make more creative choices.

What isTarot ?