Marion Wenske
September 23 to October 22




Air - intellectual


Cardinal – initiative


Aquarius, Gemini

Opposites attract:






visualisation, calm,

dreaming, memory,

prophesy, coherence

Rose Quartz

self-love, beauty,

emotional healing,

imagination, art


self-meditation, dreams, decision-making


Lilac, Pansy, Hibiscus, Fuchsia, white Rose,
sweet fragrance flowers


Light Blue & Pink


honest, pleasing, diplomatic, gracious, affectionate, artistic


harmonious cooperation


Libra Latin for 'Balance',  it's symbol is the scales and it is the domicile of Venus. In the body, Libra is associated with the kidneys, lower back and internal reproductive organs.

Libra's ruling planet Venus was revered in Roman mythology as the Goddess of love and beauty. Worshipped for her qualities of timeless attraction, aesthetics and sensuality, she has been the inspiration for many artists to create their greatest works. In fact, the Goddess Venus was said to be so enchanting that those who entered her court would be spellbound and could not bring themselves to ever leave her presence again.

Born under this sign of balance and harmony, Venus will give you charm and grace in your expression, a yearning for popularity and approval by others and an interest in beauty, art and world peace.

People and partnerships are important for you and you have a strong wish to belong. You are a diplomat at heart and any injustice or lack of fairness feels like a personal insult to you, even if it has nothing to do with you directly. So naturally, you take on the role of the mediator and peacemaker in your social environment, at work, with your family and amongst friends.

In Libra's symbol, the scales, one pan is said to be filled with logic and reason, the other with emotion and desire. To keep a balance between those two, often conflicting aspects of yourself, is an ongoing struggle and challenge. With your strong sense of justice and fair play, you will consider every pro and con of a matter in order to come to a sound judgement. And that means it can take you a very long time to come to a conclusion and to make a decision.

Sometimes it can take you years to make a phone call or send a letter to someone in reference to an event that they had long forgotten, letting them know what really happened 'back then' and how you felt about it, because you finally decided to get it of your chest.

There are times you don't find the words you want to say, or think of the things you want to do, well until after the situation is over and your chance has passed. So you decide that next time you will be on guard and speak up, be heard and stand your ground there and then - but it just doesn't seem to play out that way. However, if you try to force yourself and rush into action, you will get anxious and could  worry yourself sick.

At work, you don't like competing under pressure or being placed in the hot seat. A tendency to performance anxiety could mean that sometimes your best option is to take a step back and retreat from the spotlight to find a position that is less demanding.

You are very skilled at analysing what is happening around you, and you find all matters relating to psychology and human relations of great interest. For this reason you often try to help people with their personal problems and could choose a profession as a counsellor, therapist or social worker. Alternatively, any career that combines your flair for public projection with your inherent sense of aesthetic, like interior - or fashion designer, gym - or dance instructor, art dealer, beautician or hairdresser would suit you just fine.

Given the lengthy weighing process you go through with absolutely every issue under consideration, combined with your eagerness to compromise, people could come to the assumption that you are weak or helpless. Nothing could be further from the truth. Once you have made up your mind and know what it is that you want, you are tenacious in achieving it, although you do it quietly and politely.

Your responsive personality and friendly approach make it easy for you to succeed in many negotiations. Some might think that a major reason for this success is peoples inability to resist your charm, finding it impossible to say no when they can sense how important it is for you to come to an agreement.

Your hopes and aspirations are high – you seek kinship with all of existence and divine union on a personal level. Since you don't like being alone, relationships and marriage are important to you. In order to find balance, the scale needs the other half.  Building a foundation for a lasting and equal partnership is your ideal and greatest challenge. Any difference of opinion is met with not just a willingness, but a need to come to an understanding and agreement. And because you don't like going to bed on a quarrel or argument, there are times when reconciliation could take all night. Above all, you strife for fairness in every sense of the word and if you can't sleep, why should the other?

You know how to be engaging, charming and culturally polished. Always showing off your best side, you have a way of looking good even under the roughest conditions. But your real assets are more than just skin deep. What makes people love and respect you most are your natural qualities of sincerity and  keen interest in justice, a great sense of humour and your honest-to-goodness kind heart.
