Marion Wenske
April 21 to May 20




Earth - practical


Fixed - foundations


Virgo, Capricorn

Opposites attract:





Rutilated Quartz

strengthens love, transition, change, reason, growth, calming


resourcefulness, longevity, good luck, dreams, faithfulness


love, relationships, kinship, regularity, intuitive guidance


Lily of the Valley, Dandelion, Violet, Daisy, wild flowers


Green, Terracotta


patient, reliable, practical, sensuous, possessive, stubborn


steady results


Taurus is Latin for the 'Bull', which is the symbol for Taurus.  This sign is ruled by Venus but strongly associated with the Earth itself. In the body, Taurus rules the neck and shoulders.

Born under this sign of permanency, you are down to earth,  well grounded and stick to your values. Your understanding of  spiritual truth and higher knowledge is deeply rooted in your pragmatic approach to life and an awareness of things as they really are, rather than  empty theories or religious dogmas.

You sometimes may appear to be motivated by your desire for earthly pleasure, possession and status, but the real driving force behind your ambitions is your deep inner need for security, both emotional and material. For you, quality is more important than quantity and you determine the value of an object by it's ability to satisfy your needs, not it's market price. 

You have a natural longing for all things that give pleasure to the senses, especially to taste, touch and sound.  Surrounding yourself with items that create an atmosphere of reassurance, your home will have a style of it's own - probably inspired by nature.  Advocating a rustic way of life, it is likely to   feature natural materials such as timber, stones, plants and rugs combined with a few items of aesthetic value and - a state of the art sound system.

Although you will dress to impress when the occasion calls for, as a rule your wardrobe is timeless and practical and you prefer durable fabrics to short-lived chic. Regardless  of the latest style or fashion, those of your favourite garbs that hold some of your most precious memories will be with you forever, irrespective of their looks or whether or not they are still usable and effective.

The one thing that you probably like even more than your comfort is your established routines and habits. Some may call it stubbornness, you call it determination – the truth is that you have your own methods of doing things and since they work  well for you, you like to stick to them. And when you can't have it your way you are likely to dig in your heels and refuse to move – 'bull-headed' if necessary.

As a rule you are even-tempered and your behaviour is not normally given to suddenness or unexpected mood swings.  But you don’t suffer fools very well and sometimes people will be amazed by the display of flaring nostrils when you do loose your temper. Although rare occasions, they are rather memorable events and everyone who has seen it before knows not to interfere and stays clear until the dust has settled.

You set out to do things well and in a manner that makes you proud, so naturally it can take a while for you to finish what you have started. But whatever it is you pursue, you are willing to make an effort to reach your goals and the outcome you anticipated. Luckily for yourself you are blessed with patience, although your enduring attention to detail and your philosophical approach can drive more restless and eager people around the bend.

You are a builder - and whether it is a house, a business, a bank account, a friendship or support for someone or something, one can expect it to be built on a solid foundation, a base of rock. The challenge for you is to learn flexibility. The same structure and framework that provides you with stability and strength can, when taken to extremes become immovable and keep you in a rut, restricting and limiting your responses to the forever changing world around you.

When it comes to love, you are the  shy but romantic type and don't mind to bide your time. If you consider the person at the centre of your affection to be 'the chosen one', candle lit dinners, champagne and a night in a five star hotel could well be on your agenda - but as a rule you prefer to start with a ticket to a good concert and a home cooked meal, or sharing a  bottle of wine after a night out at the movies or an art exhibition opening.

On the one hand, you very much favour your independence and self-reliance and you even welcome a certain amount of aloneness and contemplative solitude, on the other hand you value a sense of belonging and closeness and when being with your special someone you appreciate the togetherness and affection.

Given this ambivalence, it may take a little while for you to enter into matrimony. Being traditional, you seek a partner for a union made for life and before making a commitment you want to be sure that it is done with due care and for good reasons. However, once Cupids arrow has hit it's target you are devoted, not just as a partner and lover, but also as a dedicated friend and companion. And with integrity of heart and soul, your loyalty is with the one you love.
