Marion Wenske
August 23 to September 22




Earth - practical


Mutable – change


Capricorn, Taurus

Opposites attract:





Snowflake Obsidian

new thought pattern, stable movement, surrender, purity


happiness, affection, friendship, balance, agreement, acceptance 


release worries & fear, pacification, reason, communication


Carnation, Aster,
Golden Rain,
mixed garden variety


Beige, Teal green


analytical, detailed, critical, helpful,
skilful, sceptical


intellectual devotion


Virgo Latin for 'Virgin',  is domicile and exaltation of Mercury.  In the body, Virgo rules the intestines. The symbol for Virgo is the virgin or maiden. According to myth, the Goddess Astraea, who was also known as the goddess of justice, was residing on earth during the Golden Age of Enlightenment, providing fairness and ruling the world in her wise ways. But when sinfulness and wickedness took hold of humanity, she fled the earth to be immortalised in the stellar constellation of Virgo.

Born under this sign of service, the centre of your universe is mental clarity. With analytical Mercury as your ruling planet, you are forever seeking knowledge. And you believe in mind over matter – if you don't mind it doesn't matter.

You have a high regard and natural affinity for  organisation, which comes straight from your heart, and not - as commonly believed - from your head. Your mind is just the  instrument for your inclination to bring structure and clarity into your emotions. People sometimes think of you as cut and dry, but truth be told, you are driven by strong emotional currents connecting your instincts with your intellect, and this is the real source of your effectiveness and efficiency.

You are particular in your work and take great pride in doing things carefully and competently. You like to create order out of confusion on every level of life. Unfortunately, sometimes you take on burdens far beyond your responsibility and with such a degree of personal involvement that you become high strung, anxious and tense and could worry yourself sick as the result.

The wise do not exhaust their energies by fretting or overworking. When you schedule yourself some time for calm and relaxation, you will be able to take things easier and more laid back, be more spontaneous and less serious. Practising non-judgement of yourself and others will help you to let go when something hasn't turned out the way you thought it ought to be.

Although at times your attention for detail can make it difficult to see  the bigger picture, you are able to perform monumental tasks of great intricacy,  quietly and persistently. With patience and determination you do the best you can and you genuinely put your heart into the work you do. Whether it is research, study, paying bills,  organising or completing unfinished projects, the greater the task and complexities, the greater your  motivation. You aim to finish before the deadline and  without making a big deal out of it.

Your household is managed with meticulous precision. You like it when everything is in it's place and in perfect working order. With a tendency to be a slave driver at home, you need to be careful not to become too serious in your efforts to organise every aspect of life in the most efficient way. You expect your friends and family to be reliable and responsible, tidy and punctual. Being yourself an example worth following, you are only too happy to point out the joy of self-discipline to those who  find difficulty in measuring up to your standard.

Because you are at your happiest when focused on an outcome and committed to a goal, you will never stop learning, studying or developing your skills throughout your life. You probably choose a career that allows you to be of service to a good cause or to people in need and you will look for opportunities to devote your time and expertise to the betterment of social conditions within your environment.

A born troubleshooter, no-one  teaches self-sufficiency like you: satisfaction guaranteed. When asked, you gladly give the helping hand that's needed ... complete with detailed instructions on how to fix such problem in the future and a set of standard procedures on preventing it from ever happening again, inclusive tool box and spare parts. Your job is only done when everyone is well prepared for any future crisis.

You love animals and often keep them as companions or care for the wildlife in your neighbourhood. On such a note, your at times critical demeanour and apparent aloofness towards people could lead to the assumption that you have more sympathy for  brute creation than for humankind. Therefore it might be a surprise to some, but you are passionate. Behind your often reserved attitude hides great warmth and dedication and an amazing intensity of feeling.
